Tuesday, May 28, 2013

This is not where I saw my adventure going...

"Cait, Jill has gone home" still rings in my ears and still doesn't quite make sense. Why, Lord, would you take us all the way here for this to happen?

I spent 20 hours praying that I would wake up from this horrible nightmare. Then it hit me...this is life and it must continue on. I am alive; I have to LIVE.

Yes, I know God doesn't have a plan B and this is His will. And yes, I know He is still sovereign and in complete control. I just wish so badly that I could make sense of it all. He has called home someone that I wasn't ready to say goodbye to. Someone who I thought still had so many things left to do on this earth.

That first day is still a blur. I just wanted to be surrounded by my friends and family from home. Instead I was surrounded by a new family that I didn't even realize existed... Christ Baptist Church.  I was so blessed by every single person at my new church.

Then I got on Facebook and saw that so many members of my PaulAnn family were reaching out from 9,350 miles away! And countless others that I don't even know. The prayers were definitely felt. I honestly could not have made it through those first few days without the prayers and encouragement.

Then the best call of all came...my mom received an emergency passport and boarded a flight to South Africa. My mom, along with Merrit (Jill's daughter), Luke (Merrit's husband), and Kirt (our pastor from San Angelo) arrived - and I have never felt so blessed. I could finally sit back and breathe.

Now that I could gather my thoughts, questions began to flood my mind. Foremost: What is life going to look like now? I'm still pondering that one. This was not MY plan/is not MY plan. But His ways are higher than mine ... and I will rest in that.

Here is the slideshow I created for the funeral.